NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING - Rezoning/Area Structure Plan
September 1 2023
6:00 pm, September 12, 2023
Town of Cardston Council Chambers
PURSUANT to sections 216.4, 606, and 692(2) of the Municipal Government Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta 2000, Chapter M-26, the Council of the Town of Cardston in the Province of Alberta hereby gives notice of its intention to consider proposed Bylaw No. 1647k, being a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1647, being the municipal land use bylaw, AND proposed bylaw 1559E, being a bylaw to amend the West Cardston Area Structure Plan Bylaw No. 1559.
THE PURPOSE of proposed Bylaw No. 1647M is to redesignate lands legally described as “Portion of SE¼ 8-3-25-W4M,” containing ±2.71 ha (6.7 acres), and municipally known as 651 7th Street W from “Residential – R-1” to “Residential Comprehensively Planned Medium Density – RC-M” to facilitate the use and development of the above-noted lands in compliance with the municipal Land Use Bylaw. The said lands are illustrated on the map in Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto.
The PURPOSE of proposed Bylaw No. 1559E is to make text changes to the Area B guidelines of the West Cardston Area Structure Plan, as well as general changes to the policies of the Plan in order to provide for increased flexibility to facilitate proposals (including those for higher density development) where supported by a conceptual design scheme or comprehensive site development plan.
THEREFORE, TAKE NOTICE THAT a public hearing to consider the proposed Bylaws will be held in the Town of Cardston Council Chambers at 6:00 pm. on September 12, 2023.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that anyone wishing to make a presentation regarding the proposed bylaws should contact the Municipal Administrator no later than 12:00 noon on September 12, 2023. Both written and verbal presentations may be given at the public hearing.
Copies of the proposed bylaws may be inspected at the Town of Cardston municipal office during normal business hours.
DATED at the Town of Cardston in the Province of Alberta this 2 day of August, 2023.
Jeff Shaw
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Cardston
Box 280
Cardston, Alberta T0K 0K0
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